Junior Teina Learning
Whaea Marian Shilton's email address is [email protected]
Whaea Lanea Strickland's email address is [email protected]
They are available through the Seesaw App and Junior Teina Facebook page and are online from 9.45am - 3pm daily.
You can contact them with any questions or if you need login details for your child.
Junior Teina have a closed, private Facebook group that is available for parents of Junior Teina Class students to join. This group is to share learning activities and student work.
All Junior Teina online learning is found in Seesaw.
Whaea Lanea Strickland's email address is [email protected]
They are available through the Seesaw App and Junior Teina Facebook page and are online from 9.45am - 3pm daily.
You can contact them with any questions or if you need login details for your child.
Junior Teina have a closed, private Facebook group that is available for parents of Junior Teina Class students to join. This group is to share learning activities and student work.
All Junior Teina online learning is found in Seesaw.
Suggested Online Learning Timetable - Junior Teina Class
Reading: structured reading activities including stories, articles, or poems and activities to support your child’s comprehension are in their Seesaw to complete each day. There may be recorded instructions for your child to follow.
Maths: structured math tutorial, templates and activities will be available for your child to complete each day in Seesaw. There will be recorded instructions for your child to follow. There will be links to Study Ladder for activities to complete.
Our focus is to:
Writing: structured writing lessons, templates and activities will be available for your child to complete each day in Seesaw. There will be recorded instructions for different parts of writing for your child to follow inside Seesaw. Writing could be completed in Seesaw or in their writing books that were sent home. A photo of the work can be taken and uploaded into Seesaw so teachers are able to assess, give feedback or write comments on work.
Spelling: Spelling words for the week will be given out on Monday based on the Essential Words Lists. Activities to support their learning of their spelling words will be on Wednesday. A spelling test will be on Friday. There will be links to Spelling City for activities to complete.
Handwriting: Handwriting is on Thursdays and Fridays. These could be completed in Seesaw or in their handwriting books that were sent home. A photo of the work can be taken and uploaded into Seesaw so teachers are able to assess, give feedback or write comments on work.
Bible / Encounter: our topic for this term is MOSES.
God provides a way through THE EXODUS. We will be looking at the 10 plagues of Egypt, the escape through the Red Sea, God providing for His people in the Wilderness. Daily activities will be on Seesaw to these stories moving through.
Topic: our topic for this term is THE SUN AND MOON.
There will be a range of readings, worksheets and activities for students to work on once a week in Seesaw. There will be recordings for each lot of activities set to help guide your child’s understanding. You will have the whole week to complete the activity.
- There is a book to read each day in Sunshine Classics.
- Supporting reading and comprehension activities can be used at your own pace in Reading Eggs.
Maths: structured math tutorial, templates and activities will be available for your child to complete each day in Seesaw. There will be recorded instructions for your child to follow. There will be links to Study Ladder for activities to complete.
Our focus is to:
- learning and memorising of basic facts - adding and subtracting to 20, 100 and 1,000.
- Strategies for addition and subtraction within 20, 100 and 1,000.
- Geometry - Position and orientation
- Measurement - mass, volume and capacity.
Writing: structured writing lessons, templates and activities will be available for your child to complete each day in Seesaw. There will be recorded instructions for different parts of writing for your child to follow inside Seesaw. Writing could be completed in Seesaw or in their writing books that were sent home. A photo of the work can be taken and uploaded into Seesaw so teachers are able to assess, give feedback or write comments on work.
Spelling: Spelling words for the week will be given out on Monday based on the Essential Words Lists. Activities to support their learning of their spelling words will be on Wednesday. A spelling test will be on Friday. There will be links to Spelling City for activities to complete.
Handwriting: Handwriting is on Thursdays and Fridays. These could be completed in Seesaw or in their handwriting books that were sent home. A photo of the work can be taken and uploaded into Seesaw so teachers are able to assess, give feedback or write comments on work.
Bible / Encounter: our topic for this term is MOSES.
God provides a way through THE EXODUS. We will be looking at the 10 plagues of Egypt, the escape through the Red Sea, God providing for His people in the Wilderness. Daily activities will be on Seesaw to these stories moving through.
Topic: our topic for this term is THE SUN AND MOON.
There will be a range of readings, worksheets and activities for students to work on once a week in Seesaw. There will be recordings for each lot of activities set to help guide your child’s understanding. You will have the whole week to complete the activity.