Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. 3 John 1:2
Health & PE Consultation November 2013
As part of our school requirements we must consult with our community every 2 years on what we teach from the Health & Physical Education part of the New Zealand Curriculum.
Why study in this learning area? (According to the Ministry of Education) Through learning, and by accepting challenges in health-related and movement contexts, students reflect on the nature of well-being and how to promote it. As they develop resilience and a sense of personal and social responsibility, they are increasingly able to take responsibility for themselves and contribute to the well-being of those around them, of their communities, of their environments (including natural environments), and of the wider society. Copies of the document are available to be viewed at school. Ask your child’s teacher if you wish to read more. It is also available online at The School’s Legal Responsibilities
Health Education at the Rotorua Seventh-Day Adventist School The staff will be analysing the most pressing needs of our students, in terms of health education, and wish to gain your thoughts. From this list we will plan programmes to achieve the goals we set. Below are the suggested areas of study for teaching health at our school. Areas might include: Sunsmart, Disabilities, Life Education, Keeping Ourselves Safe, relationships, body care, goal setting, fair play, first aid, fire wise, nutrition (healthy eating) , bullying, peer mediation, helping agencies, peer pressure, road safety, feelings. To the right is a questionnaire we would like you to fill in to help us better serve the community’s needs and expectations. This information will be collected and presented to the Board of Trustees. Once any required changes have been made, we will notify the community of the outcome of this consultation process. Later in Term 4 we intend to run a one day pubertal change unit entitled ‘Positive Puberty’ for all Year 7-8 students. The unit will be taught in class by a health education professional, we may divide into gender groups for question sessions. We will be covering the changes that take place at puberty and the different parts of the human anatomy. Student’s questions will be answered honestly and using the correct language and accurate information regarding pubertal change. If questions are asked that we believe are of a difficult nature to answer, the question will be referred back to parents/caregivers. Many thanks, Lanea Strickland Principal |